If you aren’t already using Facebook Events to publicize your events you need to start!  This is a fabulous way to not only publicize your events but to also get publicity for yourself/company.  Let me show you how to best use Facebook Events to maximize the Buzz factor.

The first step when creating an event is to choose a great, catchy title, a good tag-line or sub-title and choose a suitable photo.  This are the only thing your potential attendees will see when you send out requests to invite your friends and when they invite their friends.  You can also include a short greeting in the email invite so make sure that is well thought out as well.

Facebook gives you a number of choices regarding the types of the things you want to allow your guests to be able to do such as inviting others, uploading photos and the like.  You want to allow your guests to do them all.  Every time one of your guests does one of these things it creates a notice that goes out to their entire network… great publicity for you and your event.  This the basis for viral advertising.  I create something and share it with my network.  Some of them like it and share it with their networks, those people share it with their networks and so on.

Here are some ways you can generate buzz for events, both your own as well as those you have been invited to attend.

  • RSVP and write a message in the box on your Requests page
  • Write on the Wall – regardless of whether your RSVP is a Yes, No or Maybe
  • Upload a Photo
  • Upload a Video
  • Post relevant links using Links
  • Click on “Invite People to Come” and invite your friends
  • Click the Share button and Post to your Profile with a message
  • Click the Share button and send to specific friend(s) or a List(s). (Use judiciously)
  • Click the Like link and/or add a Comment on any Photo, Video or Lik
  • Send out a tweet on Twitter with the link to the Facebook event