You business has a Facebook Fan page but now you are looking for (low-cost) ways make your page stand out of the zillions of others out there.

A great way to make your business shine is to create a “Facebook Experience”. Host a Facebook page that is unique to your brand and relevant and valuable to your fans.  It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate to be wildly successful.

I have seen some pretty clever examples of “experiences” lately.  Each of these has been successful (wildly so in some cases) but none of them cost much $$.

  • Old Spice Guy – This was a two day campaign via Facebook and YouTube in which a topless man answered the random and hilarious questions posted by fans.  This was a huge hit and when it was over Old Spice had something like 600,000+ Facebook fans and around 8 million YouTube views.
  • Oreo  “World’s Fan of the Week” – they encourage their Facebook fans to post their pics for a chance to be the “World Fan of the Week”.  With close to 8 million fans it seems to be working for them and cost them nothing but a few minutes a week.
  • Face Time – this is the name I have given to the phenomena I have been seeing lately of a business offering a set day and time when their expert or an industry specific one will be on hand to answer questions of anyone who comes by and asks.  The expert is usually on hand for an hour or two.   These are usually very successful and beyond growing your fan base they more firmly entrench you and your brand as an expert or major player in your field or niche.

If this sounds like something you would like to do on your Facebook page here are some key things to keep in mind:

What is the intended goal of your experience?

Do you simply want to entertain your fans or educate them?  Do you want to add value?  The most important thing is to decide what sort of experience would most appeal to your fans.  What sort of things would they be attracted to and want to be a part of?

Have a clear idea of what your company does best.

What are your clients saying when they talk to their friends about what you do?  What are you know for?  You can use these answers to help you brainstorm unique experience ideas.

And while you are making your list of ideas try to think of things you can do over and over again.  Any experience you can repeat consistently will help your page build momentum.

Document the entire process!

As you plan, brainstorm and execute your experience make sure you document everything.  That way you have a build in blueprint for your next experience.  You will also be able to go back and make changes after each experience so you can tweak things that didn’t work so well, highlight things you want to do more of and make notes of things you want to incorporate the next go round.

Don’t drop the ball.

Now that you have figured out what sort of experience you want to offer your fans you must commit to it and deliver.  If you promise your fans an experience that happens weekly DO IT, if you don’t your fans will lose their trust in you.   And I don’t have to tell you how bad that can be.